This has two versions:
Mommy fear
Unfounded fear or conspiracy theories
Text, Mommy fear
Why I vaccinate
Because I know that there are thousands of safety studies looking at vaccines from all angles, including vaccines given in combination. I know that good science must be replicated, so I choose to accept the consensus of science, not focus disproportionately on one discredited study in isolation.
I know the risks of vaccinating and that they're well and truly outweighed by the benefits. I value evidence, not anecdote. I know the risks of vaccine preventable diseases are still a threat to my child today. I make my choice from clear rational thinking, not mommy fear. I cannot justify exposing my child to potentially deadly diseases which are so easily prevented.
Text, Unfounded fear or conspiracy theories
Because I know that there are thousands of safety studies looking at vaccines from all angles, including vaccines given in combination. I know that good science must be replicated, so I choose to accept the consensus of science, not focus disproportionately on one discredited study in isolation.
I know the risks of vaccinating and that they're well and truly outweighed by the benefits. I value evidence, not anecdote. I know the risks of vaccine preventable diseases are still a threat to my child today. I make my choice from clear rational thinking, not unfounded fear or conspiracy theories. I cannot justify exposing my child to potentially deadly diseases which are so easily prevented.
Link to RtAVM Facebook posts
Mommy Fear
Unfounded fear or conspiracy theories
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