This has two versions:
Mommy fear
Unfounded fear or conspiracy theories
Text, Mommy fear
Why I vaccinate
Because I know that there are thousands of safety studies looking at vaccines from all angles, including vaccines given in combination. I know that good science must be replicated, so I choose to accept the consensus of science, not focus disproportionately on one discredited study in isolation.
I know the risks of vaccinating and that they're well and truly outweighed by the benefits. I value evidence, not anecdote. I know the risks of vaccine preventable diseases are still a threat to my child today. I make my choice from clear rational thinking, not mommy fear. I cannot justify exposing my child to potentially deadly diseases which are so easily prevented.
Text, Unfounded fear or conspiracy theories
Because I know that there are thousands of safety studies looking at vaccines from all angles, including vaccines given in combination. I know that good science must be replicated, so I choose to accept the consensus of science, not focus disproportionately on one discredited study in isolation.
I know the risks of vaccinating and that they're well and truly outweighed by the benefits. I value evidence, not anecdote. I know the risks of vaccine preventable diseases are still a threat to my child today. I make my choice from clear rational thinking, not unfounded fear or conspiracy theories. I cannot justify exposing my child to potentially deadly diseases which are so easily prevented.
Link to RtAVM Facebook posts
Mommy Fear
Unfounded fear or conspiracy theories
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Ingestion vs. Injection
Ingestion vs. Injection
Either way it can end up in the bloodstream.
Anti-vaccine folk seem to worry that vaccines go directly into the blood stream.
Vaccines don't go into the bloodstream.
Anti-vaccine folk worry that "INGESTION is different to INJECTION".
They needn't.
In reality, the immune system and gastro-intestinal system are extremely complicated.
Here we have a very simplified representation of Ingestion vs Injection. Whether the route is injection (intramuscular, subcutaneous, or intradermal) -- or ingestion (oral), the substance goes through a 'filter'.
Antigens and other components of food go through a gut "filter" before entering the blood stream, and the antigens in vaccines go through the antigen presenting cells and tissue "filter" before entering the blood stream.
Monday, February 25, 2013
We are this close to ending polio
We are this close to ending polio
Polio Eradication Status
Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan--the only three countries where wild virus has never been stopped.
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Other links
End Polio Now and
The World's Biggest Commercial Campaign
Rotary International's Polio Eradication Campaign
Vaccine Ingredients: Aluminium
It's in all the food we eat -- even breast milk! Vaccine ingredients? No worries --
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
It's in all the food we eat -- even breast milk! Vaccine ingredients? No worries --
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Sunday, February 24, 2013
Vaccines work: Why we continue to vaccinate.
These bubbles are sized according to the annual number of disease cases in the US during the 1900s versus 2010. We've come so far. It's a reminder that while disease rates are low, most diseases haven't disappeared. This is why we continue to vaccinate.Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Infographic source literacy is a vaccine
Science literacy is a vaccine against the charlatans of the world that would exploit your ignorance --Neil deGrasse Tyson
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Saturday, February 23, 2013
Vaccine Ingredients: Chicken embryos
Grown in chicken embryos?
Oh, you mean like the ones you ate this morning?
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Vaccination: Lessons from History #4
Tuberculosis has been present in humans since the birth of time. Skeletal remains show prehistoric humans (4000 BC) had TB, & tubercular decay has been found in the spines of Egyptian mummies.
In Europe, rates of tuberculosis began to rise in the early 1600s to a peak level in the 1800s, when it caused nearly 25% of all deaths.
Many famous people in history died from tuberculosis including John Keats, Andrew Jackson, John Calvin, Doc Holliday, George Orwell, and Emily and Anne Brönte.
Scientists estimate that tuberculosis was responsible for 100 million deaths in the 20th century alone, and it continues to cause about 1 million deaths each year.
Tuberculosis may be under control in some countries, but it's still endemic in others. You could be at risk.
Remember -- vaccinations save lives.
Poster Text
Don't Kiss Me!
Your kiss of affection
The germ of infection
Town of Hempstead, W.H. Runcie, MD Health officer
WPA Federal Art Project, District of Columbia
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Injection versus Ingestion
Injection versus Ingestion
Because injections never happen in nature.
*The most common wound source of tetanus in the U.S. is rose thorn wounds
Original post at Wear 'Em, Nurse 'Em, and Vax 'Em Too
One common trope of the anti-vaccine movement is that vaccines are particularly dangerous because they are injected. In reality, our bodies are capable of handling challenges to the immune system whether these challenges are presented by way of injection or of ingestion.
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Vaccine Ingredients: Monosodium Glutamate
Monosodium Glutamate?
Better avoid Italian food then!
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Vaccine Ingredients: Polysorbate-80
Makes ice cream smooth and creamy
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Vaccine Ingredients: Bovine Serum Albumin
Bovine Serum Albumin?
It's in this delicious steak
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
From the comments at the original post:
- Yes, the fetal calves are removed from pregnant cows at the time of slaughter. However, these calves are considered to be byproducts of the meat industry -- they would be just as dead even if their blood was not collected. If you eat meat or milk and milk products from cows then you support this system.
- The calves are hypoxic by the time the blood is collected, and are not aware at the time of collection ( )
- Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) found in steak is the exact same molecule as BSA from fetal calf serum.
Vaccine Ingredients: Formaldehyde
There's more in a pear than a vaccine!
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Vaccination: Lessons From History #3
When you see an old gravestone which shows an entire family of childrend dead inside a week, thik of Diphtheria.
In the 1920s, there were an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 cases of diphtheria per year in the USA, causing 13,000 to 15,000 deaths per year.
In 1943, diphtheria outbreaks accompanied war and disruption in Europe. There were 1 million cases in Europe, with 50,000 deaths.
Diphtheria is not an old diesase, it has killed unvaccinated people in recent times. Thankfully, there is a preventative.
Remember --vaccinations save lives.
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Vaccination: Lessons from history #2
Smallpox likely emerged in human populations about 10,000 BC
The disease killed an estimated 400,000 Europeans annually during the closing years of the 18th century.
80% of infected children died from the disease and it was responsible for a third of all blindness.
Smallpox was responsible for 300-500 million deaths during the 20th century.
Following vaccination campaigns throughout the 19th and 20th centuries the WHO certified the eradication of smallpox in 1979.
Smallpox might have gone away; but it was only everyone worldwide vaccinating that eradicated this deadly disease.
Remember--Vaccinations Save Lives.
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Monday, February 18, 2013
Shouldn't my baby receive a smaller dose of vaccine than an adult?
Shouldn't my baby receive a smaller dose of vaccine than an adult?
Good question! But no. Vaccines aren't dose-dependent like drugs. They don't act in the body the same way. Drugs distribute and act on the whole body. Vaccines stimulate the immune response in the area where they are given. Vaccines don't need to be reduced according to age or weight, because they are made and tested so they contain just enough active parts to work. Vaccines are already adjusted for children.
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Why do people think babies need smaller vaccine doses?
Why do people think babies need smaller vaccine doses?
Do they think it takes 15 sneezes to transmit a disease to an adult, but only 1 sneeze to a baby?
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Myth about teething and the blood-brain barrier
Did you know?
Vaccinating during teething is not harmful to your baby's brain.
A baby's blood-brain barrier is fully developed and functional at birth. It forms in the first trimester of pregnancy and begins to operate from then.
Teething may produce midl gum inflammation and tiny amounts of histamine, but it does not turn the blood-brain barrier into a sieve.
Major inflammation and infection from severe childhood disease CAN alter it though.
You can choose to believe nonsense from Natural News or you can protect your child from deadly disease and vaccinate.
You have a choice.
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
True Story, False Story: 18 reasons to "Just say no!" to anti-vaccine liars
18 reasons to "just say no!" to vaccinations
True story: A school in Massachusetts had a recent flu clinic for students and the community in its gymnasium. A vaccine syringe was dropped, shattered and its contents spilled onto the floor. An evacuation of the entire gym was called and a hazardous waste protocol insued. See the irony here?...Dr. John Ferguson
A "Real" True Story:
Saturday 05 Dec 2009--Spill causes scare at local H1N1 clinic A chemical spill caused a hazmat scare at a local H1N1 clinic.
A thermometer accidentally proke friday afternoon spilling mercury onto the floor of the gym at the Greenbush School in West Warwick. The gym had to be evacuated. It took crews hours to clean up the spill.
It was a thermometer.
Not a vaccine!
It was in Rhode Island
Not Massachusetts!
Dr. John Ferguson is a "Chiropractor"!
See the irony here?
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Link to the original incident report Thermometers use elemental mercury. Some flu vaccines contain thimerosal, which includes a small amount of a mercury compound, ethyl mercury.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Vaccinations: Lessons from History #1
In 1875 The departing King of Fiji -- Seru Epenisa Cakobau went on a state visit to Australia. Upon his return to Fiji, he gave to his people something they would truly remember him by.
On his trip, he and his family had unknowingly contracted measles and it spread rappidly amoungst the unvaccinated population, killing 50,000 out of 150,000 one third of Figi's population.
Measles will spread quickly through an unvaccinated population.
In the 21st Century we are lucky to have vaccines to prevent this sort of devastation.
Remember -- Vaccinations Save Lives.
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
You're doing it wrong
Things that Make you go "hmmmmm"
How can it be that the EPA classifies a liquid with 2000 parts per billion (ppb) of mercury as a "hazardous waste"... but the CDC says the flu shot, which contains 50,000 ppb of mercury, is "safe"?
So you worked out that EPA Guidelines for dumping mercury are relevant to a vaccine preservative?
You'r doing it wrong
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
13 Vaccine Heroes
Nancy Snyderman, David Gorski, Anderson Cooper, Trine Tsouderos, Bill Gates, Seth Mnookin, Kathleen Sebelius, Thomas Insel, Brian Deer, Paul Offit, Eric Fombonne, Roy Grinker, Julie Gerberding
13 people willing to advocate for life saving vaccines and stand up for children's health, through invention, investment, and accurate information
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Sunday, February 10, 2013
This man has actually "done his research"
Actual long-time vaccine researcher and author
Link to RtAVM post
Inspiration for the meme above
Thursday, February 7, 2013
This is the face of someone
This is the face of someone you're putting at risk when you don't vaccinate.
Your decision affects more than just you. Save lives. Vaccinate.
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Link to original image source at the Facebook group Face the Facts: Vaccines Save Lives.
Face the Facts: Vaccines Save Lives is a project of Ania's Work In Progress,
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
When you don't vaccinate....
When you don't vaccinate you put the life and safety of my baby at risk.
Your decision affects more than just you. Save lives. Vaccinate.
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Flu Shots...Not True

Original RtAVM Facebook post
Reposted from
In 2010 in Western Australia, one particular brand of flu vaccine which was recommended to children was found to be connected with a spate of adverse febrile reactions. The investigation is not yet complete, but the reactions are believed to be from a particular batch of the 2010 trivalent influenza vaccine FLUVAX manufactured by CSL. The reactions were from this particular brand of flu vaccine only, and likely due to suboptimal virus splitting or other problems related to the use of deoxycholate as the splitting agent.
More information: new-theory-on-why-csls-flu-vacc ine-caused-febrile-convulsions -in-children-3426 possible-cause-identified-2010- flu-vaccine-adverse-events
The batch lot was withdrawn and CSL's Fluvax is still not recommended for children under five. Adults can still receive it though. There are actually 6 seasonal influenza vaccines approved by the TGA for use in Australia as of 2012. Out of the six, there are four: Vaxigrip, Influvac, Fluarix, and Agrippal which are all approved for use in persons aged 6 months and above.
http:// internet/immunise/ Publishing.nsf/content/ ATAGI-advice-TIV-march2012
Under the Immunise Australia Program influenza vaccination is recommended as part of routine vaccinations for
1. Older Australians
2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
3. people over 15 years of age,
4. pregnant women
5. individuals aged 6 months and over with medical conditions predisposing to severe influenza.
http:// internet/immunise/ publishing.nsf/Content/ immunise-influenza
More information:
The batch lot was withdrawn and CSL's Fluvax is still not recommended for children under five. Adults can still receive it though. There are actually 6 seasonal influenza vaccines approved by the TGA for use in Australia as of 2012. Out of the six, there are four: Vaxigrip, Influvac, Fluarix, and Agrippal which are all approved for use in persons aged 6 months and above.
Under the Immunise Australia Program influenza vaccination is recommended as part of routine vaccinations for
1. Older Australians
2. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders
3. people over 15 years of age,
4. pregnant women
5. individuals aged 6 months and over with medical conditions predisposing to severe influenza.
Monday, February 4, 2013
How much research you have done
How much research you have done doesn't mean shit
I want to know how many tests you aced
Link to RtAVM Facebook post
Friday, February 1, 2013
The deepest sin against the human mind
The deepest sin against the human mind is to believe things without evidence -- Aldous Huxley
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